Monday, September 9, 2013

Taking Her Virtual Word Back

Ellen thought it was okay to have fun on her show.  What else?  Also, she's saying at the same time she doesn't like you anymore or me.  She's being outlandish, acting all tacky like you did something.  It seems like people just kept following her.  Does she know why Jay is fired?  It's a sign for her.  I dunno.. just because I lost Ginny for now, why lose a healthy relationship with Ellen forever, how worthless?  I said don't listen to Ginny's shit.  She also isn't really a likeable person.  All I'd say, though, is like decide to put on a show or decide to have some stance on your fans.  I see on her site they ask for biggest fans.  She's mean.  She also said because you follow her in the summer, she'll go and make her show more boring.  There was no saying anything like that.  She's still with Portia, and yea she does see her mom lots.  At least, she always watches the show..  Same with "Ghost Adventures."  I found it so incredibly sweet.  So, I wonder what the show will be like, now.  Why do people possibly not want her being on rapport with people she knows while she talks?